Danny Dyers Hot Take on Brexit

A few months ago we saw what has now become my favourite moment on chat show history – Danny Dyer calling David Cameron a Tw*t on national telly (twice). Everything about it was golden, from Pierce Morgans smug face floundering to correct him, to Corbyns surreal expression amongst the chaos. And let’s be honest, who hasn’t thought the same thing about Cameron once or twice. But the EastEnders star wasn’t throwing profanities around on Good Evening Britain for no reason – he was expressing his confusion surrounding Brexit.

He’s certainly not the only one of us who’s a little perplexed about the goings on surrounding our withdrawal from the European Union. It’s been a complicated process following the referendum in 2016, perhaps a lot more complicated than many of us thought. Of course, it was always going to be a long process, with our leaders needing to debate and re-debate every single trade deal and agreement we currently have with mainland Europe. This is by no means an easy feat, nor a fast one – it all certainly seems to be going over my head and I’m paying nine grand a year for a politics degree. So it’s no wonder the voters are frustrated; where is this Brexit they were promised? Whether in team remain or leave everyone’s in the same boat of simply wanting it to be over with.

So does this mean Danny Dyer is right? I certainly think he’s got a point. The anger no longer seems to be directed at the EU itself, now it is instead aimed at our politicians for not delivering to us what we expected. Both Labour and the Conservatives are in total disarray at the moment, with neither offering us a stable leadership that would be capable of the tricky negotiations to come. Cameron does seem to have abandoned the country after allowing it to descend in political chaos – he left the Tories with a huge divide which has only grown in his absence. A divided party like this will never be able to secure strong deals for the county if they can’t even control their own MPs – Theresa May will never be taken seriously at the debating table in Brussles if she’s under constant threat of upheaval from the people who are supposed to be on her side.

In conclusion, I have to agree with the EastEnders actor – Brexit is a complete mess, and the country’s politicians seem to be no more aware of what’s going on than we are. Oh and also, Cameron is a bit of a Tw*t.

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  1. Mason Johnson says:



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